
Posts Tagged ‘liars’

Is the Business Insider reading Traders Crucible?

April 1, 2011 2 comments

Image: Tech ticker

It sure seems that way. Because this post seems like something that I would write.

  1. It says we cannot go insolvent.
  2. It says we need to worry about debasement of the currency
  3. It says Bill Gross is talking his book.

You don’t need to go far in the archives to see this stuff.  BI, let me know if you want me to write some hard hitting articles about Mr. Gross, insolvency, and debasement. Bill Gross must be terrified of the price action in the bond market.

Plus, it appears that Bill Gross is deliberately confusing insolvency and debasement to talk his book. Anti-American is a good way to describe this behavior.

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